Malone University
Founders Hall 18
Canton, OH 44709
(330) 471-8195
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Study Abroad

Malone has a variety of programs available for students who wish to study off campus. Each gives you a different opportunity to be involved in a time of concentrated study in a particular field or in another culture.

Summer, Full Semester or Academic Year Programs
Malone works with several organizations to offer our students opportunities to study for a summer, a semester or an academic year off-campus. This allows students to be immersed in an area of study and/or another culture for several months. These programs have been through a one to two year evaluation process to ensure they meet Malone standards.

By selecting carefully one can match major and minor courses as well as general education courses from the location with required Malone courses. Our General Education Committee has already reviewed many courses but others can still be sent to them as petitions.

For more information use the clickable map of programs.

Exchange Programs
Malone University is partnering with universities to allow students to study abroad. We currently have a partnership with University College Lillebaelt in Denmark for our nursing, social work and education students.

We are working on exchange programs with universities in China and South Korea for the future. Check with the Office of Global and Off-Campus Programs office.

Student Teaching Abroad
Education majors can complete their student teaching requirements in another country. We partner with Interaction International and use their CCTECC services to have access to well over 100 schools in Africa, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. This allows you to do your student teaching in qualified, English speaking schools. You can find more information at

Malone Summer Programs
Each May and June Malone offers three week, short term education abroad programs lead by faculty and staff.

Summer 2013:  Kenya – culture with a special look at faith and the Quaker church in Kenya

                         Poland – culture

 Italy  -  Chamber Choir tour

Summer 2014:  Israel – theology and history

 Italy – culture and philosophy

Contact the Office of Global and Off-Campus Programs to find out currently offerings.

Malone University Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement